
That's right! Our service is usually paid by the seller in their existing agreement- that means you get full service, 100% customer focused real estate representative on your side for one of the biggest purchases you will make!

So, here's some of the services we offer and how we can help you on your home buying journey:

  • Free Buyers Consult - 1 on 1 Customized Consultation that usually includes a needs assessment, analysis of market conditions, what to expect from the process, and a plan for your search.

    This can also be done via Zoom (approx. 1 hr.)

  • Home Tours - We can see as many homes as it takes to find the right one!

  • Video Tours or Face Time Tours

  • Digital Neighborhood Tours- These tours are offered for my tech savvy clients  who are too busy or are not able to see to homes when they first hit the market.

  • Vendor Recommendations - We have a list of trusted vendors that have already been vetted with proven track records. As a client, you will have access to those vendors as well!


Did you know that in 99% of cases you don't have to pay a real estate professional for their services when you buy a home? ​